Welcome to Successful Practice Summit

with Michelle Grasek

Email Marketing for Acupuncturists

Learn how to use email newsletter marketing to fill your practice. Acupuncturist, marketing strategist, and host of the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast, Michelle Grasek, walks you through actionable strategies for making the most of your email newsletter. Email is one of the most effective and cost-effective marketing approaches out there, but very few acupuncturists use it consistently, or to its full extent. It's also easy, low-pressure marketing compared to other kinds of marketing (for example, making video on social media).

You'll learn:

Michelle Grasek


Michelle Grasek is a practicing acupuncturist, marketing strategist, and the host of the Acupuncture Marketing School podcast. Her work has been featured on Lhasa OMS, Unified Practice, The Strength of TCM podcast, and many more. Michelle’s mission is to help you simplify your marketing, show up with confidence, and change the world with acupuncture. Find all of her practice-building advice and PDA classes on her website at michellegrasek.com and Instagram @michellegrasek.

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