Welcome to Successful Practice Summit

with Chris Axelrad

5-Element Functional Endocrinology

Transform your patients' lives with this incredibly powerful yet elegantly simple diagnostic and therapeutic framework. I developed 5-Element Functional Endocrinology over 20 years as a fertility and women's health specialist who built a 4 location, $1,400,000 / yr practice where my team of 3 clinicians, 3 support staff, and I transform the lives of 250+ patients a week with conditions like:

The reason my practice grew to this point and keeps growing (we're opening a 5th office soon) is first and foremost because of this amazing clinical framework that blends TCM, Functional Medicine, and Taoist 5-Element Alchemy, giving us an insanely powerful and accurate diagnostic framework that anyone can learn, along with incredibly precise treatment plans that get fast results and that patients love.

Chris Axelrad


Chris is a specialist in hormonal, mind-body, and reproductive wellness using Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, Therapeutic Nutrition, and Mind-Body Coaching. After graduating #1 in his class from Bellaire High School in Houston, he studied jazz performance at the University of North Texas. He then completed a successful 10-year career as a software developer before embarking on his journey as an Acupuncturist.

His sincere caring and compassion for his patients along with unending determination to improve his level of knowledge and clinical results is what sets him apart, and has made him Houston’s most trusted practitioner in the area of holistic gynecology, fertility, and endocrinology.

From 2012 – 2016, Mr. Axelrad served on the executive board – and as its President from 2014-2016 – of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM), a specialty board dedicated to excellence in holistic fertility care. He is certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) in Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, and Chinese Bodywork. After receiving his Master’s Degree in Oriental Medicine in 2003, Mr. Axelrad completed extensive graduate and post-graduate studies not only in Traditional Chinese Medicine, but also Western endocrinology, psychoneuroimmunology, neuroendocrinology, nutrition, mind-body disciplines, and interpretation of lab results.

His father and brother are both Urologists (MDs), and he takes pride in being from a family steeped in medical tradition.

Chris’ philosophy is that the modern age is calling all of us to integrate and cross-pollinate medical traditions to create a new, more advanced form of medicine for the next generation. To support this vision, he is constantly working to understand the parallels between TCM and Western biological models, to discover new ways to apply Western nutritional concepts to TCM and vice versa, and novel ways to communicate holistic medical concepts to a Western-minded public.

Chris sees himself primarily as a coach and teacher, with the goal of helping his patients to rediscover and awaken the natural healing intelligence that often lies dormant or obstructed within.

Mr. Axelrad maintains a busy full-time practice in Houston, Texas. In his spare time, he enjoys spending time with his family, and continues to play club dates and private parties with several local jazz and pop groups.

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