Welcome to Successful Practice Summit

with Jeffrey Grossman

The AIDAL Blueprint: Turning Strangers into Seekers and Crafting Lifelong Patient Bonds

In the intricate dance of healthcare, especially in the realm of acupuncture, establishing a connection is paramount. But how do you transform a mere passerby, a stranger, into someone genuinely interested in the healing touch of acupuncture? Enter the AIDAL model, a tailored framework designed specifically for practitioners like you. This class will guide you through the transformative journey of the AIDAL model, from capturing attention to fostering loyalty.

By the end of this class, you’ll have a clear roadmap to not only attract potential patients but also to build a thriving community around your practice. It’s time to elevate your outreach, nurture genuine patient relationships, and ensure your practice thrives for years to come.

Jeffrey Grossman


Jeffrey Grossman, EAMP, graduated from the New England School of Acupuncture in 1997, and is the founder of Acupuncture Media Works and AcuPerfect Websites. Since 2002, he has been creating and sharing patient education materials, marketing tools, practice building materials and websites for the acupuncture profession.
Jeffrey is an expert-authority on business and marketing strategies, and currently teaches the practice management class at Middleway Acupuncture Institute. He has lectured at FSOMA and PCOM symposiums, and is a guest speaker at various acupuncture schools and associations. He enjoys teaching live training and webinars on the art of building a sustainable and successful practice.
Jeffrey understands that many practitioners think that marketing is “salesy” and something they do not enjoy doing. But his goal is to make the “business” of building a healthy and successful practice, fun, easy and in a way that feels genuine and stress-free. It is his passion to help practitioners grow their practice, so they can help more people, spread the message about the powerful health benefits of acupuncture, and change the world!
Jeffrey is the primary instructor for the robust Practice Management class at Middleway Acupuncture Institute in Washington state. He has been helping students grasp and understand the intricacies of business, marketing and how to create a successful practice. Helping them build confidence and courage to succeed in a competitive environment.

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