A NOTE FROM Dr. Jaz & Delaram

Hello to our brilliant experts! We are deeply grateful for your time, expertise and wisdom. This event is going to be awesome all because of your participation. I cannot wait to see you all LIVE on Friday & Saturday September 22nd – 23rd!

This promotion center has everything you need to promote the show to your community. Please feel free to edit any of the copy to match your language. 

On this page you’ll find:

  • Event Schedule
  • Your Promo Copy – We’ve created some amazing copy complete with subject line and preview text. Please feel free to customize to your audience.
  • Graphics – We have created social media graphics that will fit on all platforms. Please feel free to use these graphics with your promo, as posts with images do better than posts without.

If you have any questions or need anything at all, please reach out to the team at learnwithceuguru@gmail.com

With Gratitude,


Sept 22, 2023 - Friday

Sept 23, 2023 - Saturday


Dr. Anna Dolopo- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/anna-dolopo/

Chen Yen- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/chen-yen/

Chris Axelrad- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/chris-axelrad/

Doctor East- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/doctor-east/

Jason Stein- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/jason-stein/

Jeffrey Grossman- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/jeffrey-grossman/

Julie Bear Don’t Walk- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/julie/

Justice Naccarato- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/justice-naccarato/

Michelle Grasek- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/michelle-grasek/

Dr. Michelle Hamilton- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/michelle-hamilton/

Ramtin Dehkhoda- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/ramtin-dehkhoda/

Tonya Webber- https://successfulpracticesummit.com/tonya-webber/





Be sure to EMBED all affiliate links in your emails. If you embed raw links, it will trigger SPAM.
TO DO THIS: Type something like: Click Here To Get Your Ticket, hit the link icon which will bring up an area for you to copy and paste your link and it will highlight the text you typed out, you now have an embedded link! 


Never use a link shortener such as Bitly. It will ALWAYS trigger SPAM.


Test every single link. No one likes a broken link!.


Change the language to match your community. We want to make sure that we are appropriately connecting with your following and you know them best!


Bold key words to support the reader. We have already done this for you below. If you see something else that should stick out and would resonate with your following, please feel free to bold and highlight where necessary.

Subj: Join Me at the Successful Practice Summit!

Dear [First Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m excited to share some fantastic news – I’ve been invited to speak at the upcoming Successful Practice Summit, and I’d like to personally invite you to join me at this enlightening

In this two-day virtual event, a select group of practice coaches and consultants, including myself, have come together to share our advice, wisdom, and strategies with you. Our goal is to help you take your practice, and life, to the next level. Attending this event is completely FREE, making it accessible to everyone. It's an incredible opportunity to learn from the best in the industry and gain valuable insights.

But that’s not all! If you wish to have access to the event recordings and receive special discounts and promotions from our team, I highly recommend signing up for the VIP Access Pass – it’s priced at only $47!

This pass will provide you with exclusive benefits and content that you won’t want to miss.

Here are the event details:
● Date: September 22nd and 23rd, 2023
● Time: 9am-3pm
● Location: Virtual
● Registration Link: [ADD YOUR UNIQUE LINK]

On behalf of CEU Guru and all of the coaches and consultants who have committed themselves to you and your success, we welcome you to this summit and are looking forward to connecting. Remember, all you need is one a ha moment or new strategy to set your practice and life on a new trajectory!

I believe you’ll find the summit incredibly valuable, and I can’t wait to see you there. Let’s embark on this journey to elevate our practices and lives

Warm regards,

[Your Name]


Title: Elevate Your Success at the Successful Practice Summit!

I’m thrilled to share some exciting news with you all. I’ve been invited to speak at the upcoming Successful Practice Summit, and I’d love for you to join me at this exceptional event.

The Successful Practice Summit brings together industry leaders and professionals to explore strategies and insights that can transform your practice. My session will focus on [Brief Description of Your Session], offering practical takeaways that you can implement immediately.

Here are the event details:
● Date: September 22nd and 23rd, 2023
● Time: 9am-3pm
● Location: Virtual
● Registration Link: [ADD YOUR UNIQUE LINK]

This is a fantastic opportunity to connect, learn, and grow together with like-minded individuals in our field. I hope to see you there as we embark on this journey to elevate our practices to new heights.

Stay tuned for more updates, and mark your calendars for an event that promises to be both insightful and transformative.

AD Copy

Are you a clinic owner ready to break the broke & burnt-out mold? 
Are you already successful but wondering if there is ‘more’?
Are you a soon-to-be or recent graduate who isn’t quite sure where to start?
Do you want your practice to work for you instead of the other way around? 
Do you have dreams of helping two times the number of people live lives free from pain? What about five times? Even ten times?
If you resonate with any of these, please join me for a peek at the true potential your chosen career path holds.
In short… I hope to help you DREAM BIGGER!
At this point, I personally run a multimillion dollar practice and have helped a multitude of docs rapidly scale to high six figures or seven figure clinics. 
It all starts with a vision…
In the hour we spend together during the Successful Practice Summit, we will discuss the sabotage of Self-Limiting Beliefs.. AND more importantly… SHOW you what others have achieved so you realize the TRUE POSSIBILITIES.
AND… I will give you a map… a MAP TO A MILLION™️ as I preview the topics that will be fleshed out in our upcoming inaugural rendition of this event. 
But don’t worry – this isn’t some worthless pitchfest to funnel you to an in person event.  It’s actually gonna contain The MAP! – The step by step process that all of our million dollar clinics have used to achieve success.
That… and More… Join me and step into your Power…


©2023 All Rights Reserved | Successful Practice Summit by CEU Guru

JOIN THE WAITLIST Radiant Aging Summit 2024

We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting to CEU Guru, the host of the Successful Practice Summit, and the presenters from the summit to email you during the show and afterward with selected and relevant emails. You may opt-out at any time.


We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting to CEU Guru, the host of the Successful Practice Summit, and the presenters from the summit to email you during the show and afterward with selected and relevant emails. You may opt-out at any time.